Extrait de « Le Courrier Australien» paru le vendredi 1er octobre 1943
Affirmation of Faith in the destiny of France
Church :
The Primate of Australia, Dr. H. F. Le Fanu.
The Archbishop of Sydney, Dr.H. W. K. Mowll.
The Archbishop of Merbourne, J. J. Booth.
The Rev. Bryan, P. Robin, Bishop of Adelaide.
Bishop, E. H. Burgmann.
Chief Minister Great Synagogue, Sydney, I. Porush.
Rabbi H. Freedmann (Melbourne).
Rabbi M. Schenk (Sydney).
Bench and Bar :
Sir John Latham (Chief Justice of Australia).
The Hon. Mr. Justice H. S. Nicholas.
A. B. Piddington (Retired Judge).
Sir Robert Garran, G.C.M.G., Kt., K.C.
The Hon. Sir Henry Manning, K.B.E., K.C., M.L.C.
R. C. Teece, K.C. (Pres. N.S.W. Bar Association).
R. Windeyer, K.C. R. S. Murray-Prior.
Dr.F. Louat. D. Wilson.
University :
The Hon. Mr. Justice Charles J. Lowe (Chancellor, University of Melbourne).
Sir William Mitchell (Chancellor, University of Adelaide).
Walter Murdoch (Chancellor, University of Western Australia).
W. J. T. Stops (Chancellor, University of Tasmania).
Professor G. A. Currie (Vice-Chancellor, University of Western Australia).
J. D. G. Medley (Vice-Chancellor, University of Melbourne).
E. Morris-Miller (Vice-Chancellor, University of Tasmania).
T. D. Campbell, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Adelaide.
J. G. Cornell (Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Adel.).
Professor R. Marshall Allen (Melb.).
Professor T. M. Cherry (Melb.).
Professor E. H. Davies (Adel.).
Professor J. V. Duhig (Qld.).
Professor A. Edwards (W.A.).
Professor Bernard Heinze (Melb.).
Professor A. Boyce Gibson (Melb.).
Professor H. T. Lovell (Sydney).
Professor C. R. McRae (Sydney).
Professor E. J. S. Pitman (Tas.).
Prof essor W. Portus (Adelaide).
Professor R. C. Robin, University of Adel.
Professor J. Stone (Sydney).
Professor A. K. Stout (Sydney).
Professor A. B. Taylor (Tas.).
Professor F. A. Todd (Sydney).
Professor L. A. Triebel (Tas,).
Professor V. Trikojus (Melb.).
Professor H. A. W oodruff (Melb,).
Associate Professor M. E. Belz (Melb.).
Associate Professor A. Lodewyckx (Melb.).
Assistant Professor E. A. Briggs (Syd.).
Acting-Professor E. O. Hercus (Melb.).
Acting-Professor H. G. Seccomble (Melb.).
Dr. A. H. McDonald (Sydney).
Dr. J. C. V. Behan (Warden Trinit y College, Melb.).
H. Maclean (Principal, Ormond College, Theological Hall, Melb.).
Lecturers :
L. A. Allen (C.U.C.).
Jean C. Batt (Tas.).
H. D. Black (Sydney).
Isabel Blanche (A.U.C.).
G. R. Cochrane (Qld.).
N. Karagheusian (Melb.),
Gladys Marks (Sydney).
I. Maxwell (Sydney).
A. R. Robson (The Women’s College, Sydney).
Major J. C. Mahony (Qld.).
J. Meurisse Haydon (C.U.C.).
I. F. G. Milner (Melb.).
H. Pollock (W.A.).
Jean M. Randall (W. A.).
F. Robinson (Qld.).
C. Schindler (Qld.).
L. Tauman (W.A.).
L. D. Woodward (Sydney).
A. Carey Taylor (Melb.).
Scientific Institutions :
Sir David Rivette, K.C.M.G., M.A., B.Sc. (Oxon.), D.Sc. (Melb.), F.R.S., Hon. F.R.S. (N.Z.). Deputy-Chairman, Cth. Council for Scientific and Industrial Research).
Colonel G. Kellaway, M.C., M.D., M.S. (Melb.), F.R.S., F.R.C.P. (London), F.R.A.C.P. (Director, William and Eliza Hall Institute of Research, Melb.).
J. Eccles, M.B., B.S. (Melb.), M.A., D.Phil. (Oxon.), F.R.A.C.P. (Director, Pathology Dept., Sydney Hospital).
J. A. Prescott, D.Sc. (Director, Waite Agricultural Research Institute, Adel.).
K. S. Cunningham, M.A., Ph.D. (Director, Austn. Council for Educational Research).
Secondary Education :
J. G. McKenzie, B.A., B.Ec., Director of Education, N.S.W.).
P. R. Cole, M.A., Ph.D., Vice-Principal Sydney’s Teachers’ College.
J. Gibson, M.A., Inspector of Modern Languagues, N.S.W.
J. E. Murray, M.B.E., B.A., Acting-Inspector of Secondary Schools, N.S.W.
M. A. Bailey, B.A., Principal, Ascham College, Sydney.
V. A. Summers, Principal, Presbyterian Ladies’ College, Cottesloe (W.A.).
F. A. Gallagher, M.A. Principal High School & Technical College Inverell.
C. M. Gilray, Principal, Scotch College, Melhourne.
R. F. Harvey, M.A., Principal, North Sydney Boys’ High School.
Winifred M. Laing, Deputy Head, North Sydney Girls’ High School.
N. H. MacNeil, Principal, Wesley College, Melbourne.
G. W. H. Perkins, M.A., Principal, Dubbo High School.
J. R. Sutcliffe, Principal, Grammar School, Melhourne.
Allison R. Weddell, Principal, Maitland Girs’ High School.
A. H. Wood, Principal, Methodist Ladies’ College.
Brother Angelus, Headmaster, B.A., St. Joseph’s College.
F. B. Jones, Headmaster, Wagga Wagga High School.
Jas. H. Killip, Headmaster, Sydney High Sehool.
Mary F. B. Neilson, Principal Presbyterian Ladies’ College.
Teachers :
A. Mc Guinness.
Rosemary Goldie, M.A., L.èsL. (Youthe Leader).
K. H. Hardey, M.A., D.V.P.
Marie Henri, Off. d’Ac.
R. F. Jackson, B.A.
Margaret Kent Hughes, M.A.
Annette Maclellan, B.A.
H. Savage, M.A.
D. Short, B.A.
J. A. Snowden, B.A.
E. Marjorie Spencer, B.A.
Muriel Wait, BA
Constance Watson, B.A.
H. Wieshire, M.A.
Librarians :
H. Binns, B.A., Chief Librarian, Cth. Natural Library, Canberra.
J. D. A. Collier, FL.A., Tasmanian Public Library.
H. M. Green, B.A., LL.B., Fisher Library, University of Sydney.
E. R. Pitt, B.A., F.L.A., Chief Librarian Public Library, Victoria.
J. S. Battie, B.A., Litt.D., LL.B., Principal Librarian, Public Library of W.A.
Authors and writers :
Bardett Adamson (President, Central Cultural Council, Sydney).
G. Ashton (Hon. Sec., Fellowship of Australian Writers).
Marjorie Barnard.
Neville Cardus.
Flora S. Eldershaw (Pres., Fellowship of Autralian Writers).
Louis Esson.
George Farwell.
Miles Franklin.
Leonard Mann.
Frank Dalhy Davison.
Dulcie Deamer.
Ivy Moore.
Vance Palmer.
Nettie Palmer.
Dora wiIcox.
Artists & teachers of arts :
Winifred Burston (State Conservatorium, Sydney).
William Constable.
Jomes Cook.
J. Sutton Crow (Acting-Director, Université Conservatorium of Music, Melbourne).
Alice Danciger.
Russell Drystdale.
A. J. Fleischmann.
Professor I. Friedman.
Elaine Haxton.
Dorothy Helmrich.
A. Goossens-Viceroy (State Conservatorium, Sydney).
Erik Langker (Vice-President, Royal Art Society).
Sir Lionel Lindsay.
Frank Medworth, R.B.A., F.S.A.M.
Max Meldrum.
Livingstone C. Mote (State Conservatorium, Sydney).
D. Orban.
Thea Proctor.
Richard T. Shorter.
Alex. Sverjensky (State Conservatorium, Sydney).
Sydney Ure-Smith, O.B.E., President, Society of Artists.
Sydney de Vries (State Conservatorium, Sydney).
Georges Duncan.
Allison Rahfisch.
Eleonora H. Lange.
Paul Haeffliger, Artist and Critic.
Jean Bellette.
Ruth E. Pascoe.
Roland Wakelin.
Members of Parliament & other publics personalities :
Sir Norman Kater, Kt., M.L.C. M.B.
Ch.M. Sir John R. Harris, K.B.E., M.D., M.L.C.
The Hon. E. Dwyer Gray, M.H.A., Treasurer for Tasmania
C. E. Fletcher, M.A., Secretary for Education Tasmania.
The Rt. Hon. the Lord Mayor of Hobart, Alderman J. Soundy, C.B.E., M.H.A.
The Rt. Hon. the Lord Mayor of Melbourne, Councillor T. S. Nettleford, O.B.E.
The Mayor of Fremantle, Alderman F. F. Gibson.
Sir Hugh Poynter, Bart.
T. H. Goddard, C.B.E., B.A., M.B.
A. W. Hyman, O.B.E., V.D. (Pres., R.S.S.A.L., N.S.W.).
C. Moses (General Manager, A.B.C.).
Dr. E. H. Molesworth.
Dr. R. J. Silverton, F.R.C.S.
Sir Benjamin Fuller, Kt. Bach.
Sir Arthur Rickard, K.B.E.
V. R. Manning, F.I.D.R., Sec. Inter-Dominions Council.
Dr. M. Laverson (Social Worker).
Col. F. H. Wright, V.D., A.M.F.
Mrs. J. Chesterman.
Aileen Fitzpatrick (Sociologis).
Alec Coppel (Director, Minerva Theatre).
T. C. Lothian (publisher).
Carl Plate (Art Dealer).
Vernon Smith (General Manager, Shell Co. of Australia).
Alfred Wunderlich.
Alleyne Zander.
Lieut. E. R. Blackmore, A.M.F.
Organizing Committee :
Professor A. R. Chisholm (Melb.).
Dr. J. G. Stanbury (Sydney).
Professor G. G. Nicholson (Sydney).
Extrait de la Revue de la France Libre, n° 126, juin 1960.